Selasa, 04 Februari 2014

Kopi Darat Python Indonesia Februari 2014


Selamat datang 2014! Komunitas Python Indonesia kembali mengadakan kopdar pertama di tahun 2014 ini. Dalam kopdar kali ini, selain seperti biasa akan ada beberapa pembicara, akan ada juga diskusi panel.


Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014
Pukul 09.00 - 13.30 (UTC+7)


Gedung ITTC Universitas Indonesia - Depok
Gedung ITTC menempati Gedung Perpustakaan Lama UI
(setelah FIB UI dan setelah perpustakaan baru)

Koordinat gmaps

View Larger Map

Rute jalan kaki dari Stasiun Pondok Cina

View Larger Map


Transportasi Umum

Kereta Commuter Line. Turun di Stasiun UI atau di Pondok Cina. Lalu dilanjutkan jalan kaki atau bisa juga naik ojek (jarak dari kedua stasiun ini ke lokasi, kurang-lebih sama).

Transportasi Pribadi

Tersedia area parkir untuk mobil dan motor di dalam kampus UI.


Sama dengan kopdar sebelum-sebelumnya, untuk menghadiri ini tidak diperlukan registrasi dan tidak dipungut biaya. Acara ini bersifat publik. Kapasitas ruangan terbatas untuk 30 orang.

Jadwal Acara

09.00 - 09.25 Perkenalan
09.25 - 09.30 Pembukaan oleh Zaki Akhmad
09.30 - 09.45 Sambutan dari Universitas Indonesia
09.45 - 10.30 Penggunaan Raspberry Pi sebagai Pengendali Proses Pengambilan Data Kendaraan pada Gerbatama UI oleh Gladhi Guarddin, M.Kom
10.30 - 11.15 Analisa Data di Python dengan Pandas oleh Sigit Nurseto
11.15 - 12.00 OpenStreetMap Resources for Developers by Kate Chapman
12.00 - 13.00 Diskusi Panel: Python di Startup: Burufly, Stamps, Zocko dengan moderator: Theresia Tanzil.
13.00 - 13.15 Foto Bersama dan Penutupan

Berikut ini adalah tautan di

Abstrak Materi dan Profil Pembicara

Raspberry Pi dan alat parkir UI oleh Gladhi Guarddin, M.Kom

Penggunaan Raspberry Pi sebagai pengendali proses pengambilan data kendaraan pada gerbatama UI.

Gladhi Guarddin, M.Kom, adalah dosen Fakultas Ilmu Komputer UI, mengajar mata kuliah pemrograman sistem, sistem terdistribusi, dan mata kuliah yang berhubungan dengan infrastruktur TI. Dan juga admin Kambing-UI.

Analisa Data di Python dengan Pandas oleh Sigit Nurseto

Analisa data dapat memberi kita informasi yang berguna tentang pattern, relationship atau tren dari suatu kumpulan data. Python yang saat ini sudah memiliki operasi data yang mudah, menjadi lebih powerful dengan adanya library Pandas. Dengan menggunakan Pandas kita dapat melakukan data analisis dari suatu database atau bentuk data lainnya dengan fleksible, cepat dan ekspresif.

Pada kopdar kali ini, saya akan memperkenalkan Pandas dan memperlihatkan bagaimana library ini dapat dipakai secara mudah dan menyenangkan untuk menganalisa data. Supaya mudah dipahami, saya akan menampilkan langsung bagaimana Pandas membuat kumpulan raw data menjadi Graph yang menarik dan berguna.

Sigit Nurseto. Sejak melihat source code Python pertama kali beberapa tahun lalu, saya langsung tertarik dengan Python karena kecantikan sintaknya. Sampai saat ini saya adalah Freelance Programmer yang selalu menggunakan Python selama client tidak terlalu peduli dengan bahasa yang dipakai :)

OpenStreetMap Resources for Developers by Kate Chapman

OpenStreetMap is an Internet project with the goal of creating a free map of the entire world. The reason OpenStreetMap exists is most maps you think of as free actually have legal or technical restrictions. The OpenStreetMap community creates many tools of use to developers. This includes a variety of web and mobile APIs, custom maps, and a variety of data formats. As a developer what resources should you use to develop your app? How can you get help if you get suck? What ways can you contribute to existing projects? This talk will help get developers started with OpenStreetMap.

Kate Chapman is the Executive Director of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT), a non-governmental organization dedicated to helping support communities, governments and humanitarian responders in their utilization of OpenStreetMap in crisis response and contingency planning. As the Executive Director, Kate both oversees the overall goals of the organization, and participates in its programs. Currently, Kate is based in Jakarta, Indonesia, leading a multiyear program to collect critical infrastructure information, which proved especially useful to the municipal government in the aftermath of the 2013 and 2014 Jakarta floods. Additionally, the Indonesia project inspired an OpenStreetMap mapping competition and assisted community facilitators in upgrading from hand-drawn to more accurate digital maps. Kate is also active in the wider OpenStreetMap community, including serving on the board of the OpenStreetMap Foundation. Prior to her work at HOT, Kate was involved in web-mapping applications engineering, including GeoCommons and iMapData.

Diskusi Panel: Python di Startup

Theresia Tanzil

Python enthusiast yang masih suka CLBK dengan PHP.


Burufly aims to help travelers find great places to visit whether it be for a long journey or short holiday and even random nights out in their own city. We are currently the only platform that has every destination in Indonesia covered (and soon South East Asia), with a diverse array of photos, videos, reviews, articles and local experts from every corner of Indonesia, meaning you will have your own personal guide, no matter where you choose to go. was developed using Django. During our releases, we try to figure out which areas of the platform can be bottlenecks. During our 14 months of being released we have made a lot of adjustments to our codes to provide better access for our users. Hopefully some of the tricks and tips we use can be beneficial to other people who develop using Django as well.

Reza Muhammad is a sysadmin turned developer as well as an open source enthusiast. He Went to school to learn about Unix and came out as a developer instead. Having experiences in multiple startups and clients in Indonesia and abroad, Reza joined Burufly in 2012 to lead the engineering team to build a scalable platform for travelers.




Zocko is a web tool to help social influencer people to monetize its social networks audience by promoting cool & trendy products from an all-in-one platform. The company has recently been funded to launch the product in Indonesia (as the main market) and the USA (as secondary).

We are a young, talented and motivated team of two founders from Barcelona, Spain, have the support of top-level advisors/mentors and have been incubated/accelerated of Creative HotHouse Barcelona during 8 months.

Daniel Clemente Laboreo, Zocko CTO. My working material is knowledge. My goals are to promote usability and excellence and to avoid technical or ethical barriers in computing. I value doing things well. I like anything which has theory on it, as well as the technical inner workings. I want to work in challenging and useful projects, learn from others and teach what I learnt.

2 komentar:

  1. Gabung ke komunitas ini gimana cara registrasi nya gan..??

  2. @Sandhy Baskoro silakan kunjungi
