Python Software Foundation (PSF) kembali menjadi organisasi yang turut berkontribusi dalam Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2014. Python menaungi beberapa proyek open source python. Beberapa diantaranya adalah:
- CPython: core Python and the standard library
- GNU Mailman: the ubiquitous mailing list package
- Mercurial: a distributed source control management tool
- BinPy: a platform for building circuit-based applications or logical games
- Vispy: high-performance interactive visualizations
- TARDIS-SN: supernova radiative transfer in Python
- SunPy: Python for solar physics
- Scrapy: a fast, high-level screen scraping and web crawling framework
- Theano: an optimizing compiler for numpy.ndarray and scipy.sparse matrix
- Kivy: a library for making cross-platform, multi-touch apps
- MNE-Python: a software package for processing MEG and EEG data
- scikit-image: a collection of algorithms for image processing
- scikit-learn: a Python module for machine learning
- PyDy: a package for studying multibody dynamics with Python
- SciPy and NumPy: open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering
- AstroPy: a community Python library for astronomy
Untuk lebih jelasnya, bisa mengunjungi laman blog PSF berikut. Bagi yang belum mengetahui apa itu GSoC, bisa membaca cerita Wibowo Arindrarto yang berkesempatan mengikuti GSoC 2012 dalam proyek Biopython.
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